Vote for Ann Bray in the
2024 ACT Legislative Assembly election

For the Voice of balance

For the Voice of reason


  • Professional government administration

  • Genuine consultation

  • Evidence-based decision-making

  • Open transparent communications

My vision for Canberra …

I feel so fortunate to call Canberra my home. I have lived in Kurrajong for 20 years and I think Canberra is a great city.

With Canberra’s population heading towards 800,000 by 2060, we need to plan on a 35 year horizon to maximise the outcomes of our rate base and other income with good transparent government. Canberra can be a showcase for the best lifestyle in Australia. We need to support and smartly regulate businesses. We need to beautify our suburbs. Home ownership should not be out of reach. Education should and can be excellent. Health care and prevention should be paramount.

Why vote for me?

It’s not good enough to just say 23 years is too long for any party to be in power. Nor that the alternative is too conservative in its beliefs. I acknowledge there are good people in both major parties and the Greens. BUT, we need to have independents in the Assembly that involve the community; think about the issues; and look at the facts and the evidence, unincumbered by factions, and vested interests. A strong cross bench will result in better government.

As I listen to your concerns over the year I will develop my policies.

For more information on the 2024 ACT Legislative Assembly Election go to Elections ACT at

The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new “ Socrates